Saturday, October 27, 2007

Chapter 31 : Flights of fancy

The addiction is not in the drugs. It is in the act. Just like what I said last night. It is not the being but the memory. I was running on a high, and all that mattered was the chase, the predicament.

I could visit that point in time, and stay there, as it is the only place where you are near. Sing to me, once again, in your old days.

So give me a memory and I will make you a song. This is the need that is killing me on the inside everyday. Is this a possession or a jealousy I seem to have that just cannot be shaken off? What have I become?

We will never stay the same, what we believed, what we are, everything... moves and alter along with time and decisions we make. So here's the truth of the truth, what I am is not all good, it is not all bad.

And I miss you the most.

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