Wednesday, March 11, 2020

We built a tent
To keep your childhood alive and protect you from the outside
Now this space belongs to us
It is safe it is where no one else exist

Time and space is officially yours my love.
We start from scratch today. An easy reset by changing the codes.
I am floating as I walk
Soft and light 
Much more bearable than the usual clarity 

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Could it be that when we were younger we were not sceptical
The unseen battle of good and evil was right next to us
Darkness trying to capture our vulnerable minds by whispering to us at night
If they know us by name and all of our ways we are an open book in this war
Our only defence is having a strong and stable foundation continuously reinforced
To not be alone or sleep before the night gets too dark
For us to not be caught up in the hectic of daily routines and forget that this is all still very new and curious for them
Let us not forget how big everything is to them and their emotions are so raw and pure
If I didn’t had words or this page I don’t know if I would had still exist or made it this far
I can only do my best to be present and praying for you.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

A little blood was drawn today, truth in the blood or the degrees?
Are you reacting to stress?
Giving off the signs of annoyance and distress.
I know.
Ripping the plaster was more painful.

The fear of being wrong was so powerful
Gripped with regrets of how I would had wanted to back track
Preparing my defense and explanation
Feeling sick of doing so much to be slapped
Push and pull routines
Never gets old like gravity
Maybe one day you fear that it doesn’t happen like before
Or what you imagined seem impossible