Monday, August 31, 2020

Original quote "Even when cancer was in retreat, it cast long shadows." 

 Amended quote by me "Even when death was in retreat, it cast long shadows." 

As I read this sentence it made me re-read a couple of times and think about death. The imminent end for all of us is death and we have subconsciously accepted it as we go about living. But we never really did slow down often enough to think about it. 

It seems like long shadows for now, but it gets shorter and then soon the shadow will become one with us in time. 

What truly scares us instead of death; Fear of the painful process in dying and losing behind loved ones precious to you. 

So we do not stop making plans.

Maybe in the absence of any certainty, we should assume that we're going to live a long time. Maybe that's the only way forward.

"Youth is wasted on the young" 

I really get that now. 

The strength, stamina and energy

To strive and perfect your consistency in the daily routines

Having the knowledge now which I didn’t know then 

Yet coming back to similar acceptance 

That adults are still not as responsible as what you think.

Same fight or flight responses 

Sides to stand for or represent 

Playground tactics that never died actually.