Monday, August 31, 2020

Original quote "Even when cancer was in retreat, it cast long shadows." 

 Amended quote by me "Even when death was in retreat, it cast long shadows." 

As I read this sentence it made me re-read a couple of times and think about death. The imminent end for all of us is death and we have subconsciously accepted it as we go about living. But we never really did slow down often enough to think about it. 

It seems like long shadows for now, but it gets shorter and then soon the shadow will become one with us in time. 

What truly scares us instead of death; Fear of the painful process in dying and losing behind loved ones precious to you. 

So we do not stop making plans.

Maybe in the absence of any certainty, we should assume that we're going to live a long time. Maybe that's the only way forward.

"Youth is wasted on the young" 

I really get that now. 

The strength, stamina and energy

To strive and perfect your consistency in the daily routines

Having the knowledge now which I didn’t know then 

Yet coming back to similar acceptance 

That adults are still not as responsible as what you think.

Same fight or flight responses 

Sides to stand for or represent 

Playground tactics that never died actually. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

We built a tent
To keep your childhood alive and protect you from the outside
Now this space belongs to us
It is safe it is where no one else exist

Time and space is officially yours my love.
We start from scratch today. An easy reset by changing the codes.
I am floating as I walk
Soft and light 
Much more bearable than the usual clarity 

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Could it be that when we were younger we were not sceptical
The unseen battle of good and evil was right next to us
Darkness trying to capture our vulnerable minds by whispering to us at night
If they know us by name and all of our ways we are an open book in this war
Our only defence is having a strong and stable foundation continuously reinforced
To not be alone or sleep before the night gets too dark
For us to not be caught up in the hectic of daily routines and forget that this is all still very new and curious for them
Let us not forget how big everything is to them and their emotions are so raw and pure
If I didn’t had words or this page I don’t know if I would had still exist or made it this far
I can only do my best to be present and praying for you.

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

A little blood was drawn today, truth in the blood or the degrees?
Are you reacting to stress?
Giving off the signs of annoyance and distress.
I know.
Ripping the plaster was more painful.

The fear of being wrong was so powerful
Gripped with regrets of how I would had wanted to back track
Preparing my defense and explanation
Feeling sick of doing so much to be slapped
Push and pull routines
Never gets old like gravity
Maybe one day you fear that it doesn’t happen like before
Or what you imagined seem impossible

Friday, February 28, 2020

Opening and closing that metal door I can still smell the rust 
Bending down looking in to make sure it wasn’t missed 
Sometimes reaching in just to feel that void 
Finally when you arrive I hold on to you excitedly yet cautious knowing that once I lay my eyes on you that whole magic and ritual would end 
What I became so obsessed with and even a little proud of would just... be. 
So I delay that process, I pretend you did not arrive
Until I am ready
Ready to be made vulnerable 
Pouring my heart out hoping it still speaks to you and you would respond again 
Just a piece of paper you think 
It was more than that 

They will never experience the real meaning of the wait. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

If you had pointed and said “that would be important”. 
If you had lifted it up and said “let’s get it”. 
Would it had been enough? 
What difference would it make?
Darting eyes, a quiet fear broadly spoken, a change in colour was all it took 
Another spin on the unimportant, an awakening to take a deep dive on how sick we truly are 
Now what you see is something from the movies
But it is here and now to stay 

The beautiful thing about today’s technology you get to see real time statistics. I see you. Numbers and graphics giving me a breakdown of everything. The locations of where individuals reside, whether they were accidental or intentional and if they had stayed long enough to understand or relate.

Is what I am seeing real or am I just interpreting what I want to think is real.

They say I am unwell, point and shoot procedures. But I feel fine. Numbers game did you rig it to let me get out of there. Is the mind not catching up with how the body feels again? A lapse or something missing again.

How do you decipher something your body feels but You do not.

Which is real? And whose to say the other is not?


You can’t sleep.
Because something is calling out to you.
A subtle nudge.
A curious pull.
You turn the pages back and forth.
Looking, reading, searching, wondering...
What did you missed?
Is this what they call it
Grieving an unknown death
Or checking The Coffin to find the body

Did you return here to examine the void
To find a hint and leave some ink
Make it known that you left your shoes by the door
Turning the knob you enter feeling the cold quiet heaviness sinking in
Like an old embrace and a solemn kiss
Maybe comfort is sought in darkness
When darkness was exposed to the world
You know it too well
It’s all coming back.