I have been intensely curious by the little things in life lately. Silly as it may seem, but I believe in memory's eyes, it will amplify these details in the future. You were like an orange streak in that dark crowded room. I will not forget turning around. It was a lucid instant; I was in your arms. Drawing you in like a predator, your tangibility was delicate and endearing. I swear it was more than the alcohol and cigarettes that got to my head. I was on a high in your presence. Like a current your hands around me, leading the way, away.... felt safe. Nasty little cigarettes that made my head spin faster...
I surprised myself by the probability of that night. I was cruel. I made you lead the way. Standing there. The same scent. The slight awkwardness and silence. Cigarettes and us in a car. You showed me three meanings imprinted on you. None of this makes any sense as I break out into a smile.
Crazy friend.what's happening in your life? I like your writing but it's too vague for to guess.if u need to talk I'm
Thanks for dropping by! A crazy friend would have a crazy life... :) Glad you offered your presence for comfort. Talk to you soon.
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