Life is fleeting. Every moment is. Everyone is. So keep it casual, mean it, enjoy it and be firm on every decision. No matter how small or redundant, or how great and revolutionary it is.
Fate, destiny, “the one”, love, quote me on this, “Fuck it”. It does not exist. I am not sorry to burst your imaginary bubbles of fairy tales and happy endings. A whole load of bullshit was instilled into our young minds creating an unrealistic picture of reality. What was the consequence? Unrealistic expectations versus reality. Who died? You did. Don’t say you didn’t. Because all those heartbreaks, used and abused, play and are played, loved and lost, loving from afar, infatuation in the chase, a change of heart, love and never loved, thrill of a fling, never lovers more than friends; You must had fall in at least one of these categories I have listed. What did you learn?
Decisions that you have made in life so far, has brought you to where you are now.
You can never promise (anyone or even yourself) that you would wake up every day in your life feeling the same way.
Everything was set in motion before you even took your first breath. You are the continuation of someone else’s story.
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