Thursday, July 30, 2015

Unable to grasp this scene. You turn a page and it had been nine years. No longer that girl on the floor nor walking the streets at midnight courting rejection. You find yourself catching this bus at peace with yourself and the way things are now. 

It is frightening to see that you no longer write the same. 

They call you another name. 

Monday, July 06, 2015

In just a week they broke down walls and made a new passage through. Your memories are altered from what they actually were; the night stroll seem more romantic, the grass felt softer, the sun looked warmer and the atmosphere seem light hearted. 

Was it all in your head? Because your body was waiting to return to this routine. It knows that it felt right here as everything has changed there. 

You are not the same. 

And it is not a bad thing.